



Dear Colleagues,

We are happy to welcome you at the 5th edition of the annual course dedicated to hereditary cardiac diseases, organized by the Romanian Society of Cardiology and the Expert Center for Rare Genetic Cardiac Diseases from the Emergency Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases “Prof.dr.C.C.Iliescu”, together with the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila” Bucharest and the Romanian Society of Cardiology.

After the success of the first 4 editions, we wanted this year’s course to bring updated information from new areas: when and how of the genetic testing, new therapies in genetic cardiomyopathies, new in arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy, imaging of the hypertrophied heart, channelopathies and athlete’s heart. We also organize a session on how to setup a cardiogenetic center. The program is supported by Romanian and European experts in the field, reflecting the strong collaboration between groups from several European expert centers within the European Refernce Network Guard Heart.

We added at this year’s edition commented cases session, an opportunity for specialists involved in the care of cardiac hereditary diseases to share and discuss their experience with colleagues.

We hope that this meeting becomes a fix date in the agenda of those interested in cardiogenetics in Romania, strengthening their collaboration with the Expert Center for Rare Genetic CV Diseases. Updated information can always be found on the event’s webpage.

Course directors:

Prof. Dr. Ruxandra Jurcuţ
Coordinator – Expert Center for Rare Genetic Cardiovascular Diseases

Prof. Dr. Carmen Ginghină
Editor in Chief of the Romanian  Journal of Cardiology
Coordinator of ESC Guidelines in Romania


Prof. Dr. Bogdan A. Popescu
President of the Romanian Society of Cardiology
Past President of the European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging


Conference Room




1. Insuficiență cardiacă agravată de beta blocante. Poate aceasta sugera etiologia? Heart failure aggravated by beta blockers. Could this suggest the etiology? Robert Adam*, Andreea Jercan, Sorina Badelita, Ana Fruntelata, Radu Ciudin, Bogdan A Popescu, Carmen Ginghina, Mirela Draghici, Claudiu Stan, Daniel Coriu, Ruxandra Jurcut (IUBCV “Prof.dr.C.C.Iliescu”, Bucuresti);

2. Utilitatea mapei T1 și a evaluarii volumului extracelular prin cardioRM în cardiomiopatile ereditare. The use of T1-mapping and extracellular volume using CMR in inherited cardiomyopathies. Ramona Bică*, Virgil Ionescu (Spitalul Metropolitan-Monza, București)

3. Conturarea unui fenotip specific la rezonanță magnetică cardiovasculară al cardiomiopatiei aritmogene izolate de ventricul stâng secundară mutațiilor genei desmoplakinei. Defining a specific cardiovascular magnetic resonance phenotype in isolated left ventricular arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy due to desmoplakin mutations. Sebastian Onciul*, Robert Adam, Adrian Giucă, Radu Nicolaescu, Răzvan Capșa, Ruxandra Jurcuț (Spitalul de Urgenţă)

4. Cardiomiopatia dilataivă: de la diagnosticul uzual la surpiza testării genetice. Dilated cardiomyopathy: from the common diagnosis to the surprisis of genetic testing. Robert Adam*, Ionut Stanca, Sebastian Onciul, Viorica Rădoi, Bogdan Alexandru Popescu, Ruxandra Jurcut (IUBCV “Prof.dr.C.C.Iliescu”, Bucuresti;)

5. Cardiomiopatia hipertrofică obstructivă. O mască a bolii Fabry? Obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy – a mask for Fabry disease? Sebastian Militaru*, Robert Adam, Radu Trimbitasu, Ruxandra Jurcut (IUBCV “Prof.dr.C.C.Iliescu”, Bucuresti)

6. Un defect nu vine niciodata singunr. Câte anomalii descoperite întâmplător poate ascunde o singură inimă? A defect never comes alone. How many anomalies discovered by chance can hide a single heart? Robert Adam*, Alina Nicula, Sidonia Albu, Bogdana Fetecău, Carmen Ginghină, BA Popescu, Ruxandra Jurcuț (IUBCV “Prof.dr.C.C.Iliescu”, Bucuresti)

7. Afectarea cardiacă în bolile lizozomale – serie de cazuri. Cardiac manifestations in lysosomal storage diseases – case series. Lazea C.*, Al-Khzouz C., Bucerzan S.,Nascu I., Asavoaie C., Grigorescu-Sido P (UMF „Iuliu Hatieganu”, Clinica Pediatrie I Cluj-Napoca;)

8. Un caz de cardiomiopatie hipertrofică severă în cadrul unei boli metabolice. A case of severe hypertrophic cardiomyopathy as clinical feature of metabolic disease. Lazea C*, Al-Khzouz C, Oprița S, Popa A, Vințan M (UMF „Iuliu Hatieganu”, Clinica Pediatrie I Cluj-Napoca;)

9. CMHO, hipertensiunea arterială grad III, SASO și boala multivasculară la pacientul vârstnic. HOCM, hypertension grade III, OSAS and multivascular disease in elderly patient. Cristiana Drăgănescu*, Octavian Zară, Cornelia Voiculeț, Ruxandra Jurcuț, Alice Bălăceanu (Spitalul Clinic de Urgenţă “Sf.Ioan” Bucureşti;)

10. Cardiomiopatia dilatativă- importanța diagnosticului diferențial. Dilated cardiomiopathy – the importance of differential diagnosis. Laura Țăpoi*, Carina Ureche, Alexandra Clement, Ștefan Boca, Radu Andy Sascău, Cristian Stătescu (Institutul de Boli Cardiovasculare “Prof. Dr. George I.M. Georgescu”, Iaşi, Romania;)

11. Impactul exercițiului fizic în cardiomiopatia aritmogenă de ventricul drept. Impact of physical exercise in arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy – a case report. C. Ureche*, Ș. Ailoaei, L. Țăpoi, A. Clement, A. Cazacu, R. A. Sascău, C. Stătescu (Institutul de Boli Cardiovasculare “Prof. Dr. George I.M. Georgescu”, Iaşi, Romania);

12. Privind dincolo de hipotensiunea ortostatică – un caz interesant de ATTR. Looking beyond orthostatic hypotension – an interesting case of TTR amyloidosis. C. Ureche*, Ș. Ailoaei, L. Țăpoi,A. Clement, A. Cazacu, R. A. Sascău, C. Stătescu (Institutul de Boli Cardiovasculare “Prof. Dr. George I.M. Georgescu”, Iaşi, Romania);

13. Non-compactare de ventricul stang cu fractie de ejectie redusa versus prezervata -fenotipuri diferite, ce ne ofera imagistica multimodala? Left ventricular non-compaction with reduced versus preserved ejection fraction-different phenotypes, what does multimodality imaging offer? Ionela-Simona Visoiu*, Roxana Cristina Rimbaş, Dragos Vinereanu (Spitalul Universitar de Urgenta Bucureşti);

14. Cardiomiopatie aritmogenă – dublă mutație idetificată la un pacient tânăr, sportiv de performanță. Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy – Double Mutation Identified in a Young Athlete. Adrian Giucă*, Rodica Ploeșteanu, Sebastian Onciul, Alin Nicolescu, Ruxandra Jurcuț (IUBCV “Prof.dr.C.C.Iliescu”, Bucuresti);

15. Insuficiență cardiacă la un pacient tânăr cu cardiomiopatie hipertrofică nonobstructivă duce la diagnostic de boală neuromosculară. Heart failure in a young patient with nonobstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy leads to a neuromuscular disease diagnosis. Adrian Giucă*, Cristina Mitu, Alexandra Bastian, Bogdan Ovidiu Popescu, Răzvan Capşa, Viorica Rădoi, Claudiu Stan, Bogdan Alexandru Popescu, Ruxandra Jurcuţ (IUBCV “Prof.dr.C.C.Iliescu”, Bucuresti);

16. Amiloidoză cardiacă ereditară cu debut tardiv – mutație genetică particulară. Late-onset hereditary cardiac amyloidosis – peculiar genetic mutation. Ana-Maria Buburuz, Adrian Gavrilescu, Ana-Maria Stătescu, Antoniu Petriș, Daniela Crișu, Spitalul Clinic Județean de Urgență ”Sf. Spiridon” Iași


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